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How to Claim as a Passenger*

When you are a passenger in an accident, it is almost certain that you were not to blame and are entitled to claim for “passenger in accident compensation”. The physical mode of transport in which you were travelling makes no difference to the amount that you may be entitled to, so a “passenger in accident compensation” claim could be made in you were seated in a car, train, tram or bus or even on the back of a motorbike – what influences the amount of any compensation award is the severity of the injuries which you have suffered.

On any occasion where you are a passenger in an accident, and regardless of who is to blame, your injuries should be your first concern. In most serious cases the Gardai and an ambulance would attend in any case, and it is important that when they do, you give your details to the Gardai and get a medical examination.

When your accident has been more minor, you should still attend a doctor´s surgery or hospital accident and emergency department in order that a permanent record is made of your medical history in the event that you pursue a “passenger in accident compensation” claim.

Making a Passenger in Accident Compensation Claim

There may be circumstances where you want to consider quite carefully about making a “passenger in accident compensation” claim. What if you were a passenger in an accident where the driver of the vehicle in which you were travelling was negligent. That driver may be a friend, partner or family member. Would you feel it was appropriate to claim damages for your injuries then? You would certainly be under a lot of pressure not to. And what if you have been a passenger in an accident where many people were injured far more severely than you? Would you be embarrassed to be the first to make a compensation claim for a minor injury?

In these instances, and many more, it helps to speak with an impartial and helpful voice on the phone. We have established such a service, which is free to use, and enables you to speak with a solicitor about the consequences of making a “passenger in accident compensation” claim. You will be guided through the legal issues, the rates of compensation that may be applicable to your injuries and given advice about the options available to you. We cannot make your mind up for you in respect of personal scenarios, but what we can do is give you all the information you need to make a balanced decision with which you are comfortable.

Call us now or if you cannot speak now please fill in the form below and we will call you back.

Our Service Includes:

  • 100% Comprehensive advice relating to passengers rights
  • 100% Helpful and accurate information regarding your entitlement to claim
  • 100% No obligation assessment of the likelihood of your success
  • 100% Confidentiality and discretion assured

What You Can Expect When You Call?

The first thing that you will find is that solicitors are a lot more understanding than they are frequently given credit for. Although we can only offer impartial advice to you and make certain suggestions, we do appreciate that you have been through a traumatic experience and now faced with the possibility of a moral dilemma. Therefore, we will treat any passenger who has been involved in an accident with the greatest amount of courtesy and respect for their feelings.

Our solicitors will normally ask you to relate to them the events surrounding the accident, what injuries you and your fellow travellers sustained and how they were treated. If you have questions that you would like to ask, please feel free to do so. The common goal is to establish as much information about your circumstances and how they can be related to a “passenger in accident compensation” claim.

Once we have a fuller picture of the circumstances, we will be able to assess whether you have a claim for compensation which it is worth your while to pursue. Our solicitor will offer you several suggestions for ways to proceed with a claim if you want to, but whether or not you choose to make a compensation claim is entirely up to you.

We will help you get a fair and adequate settlement for “passenger in accident compensation”, but it has to be your decision whether you want to pursue your claim.

The best thing to do is to make that initial contact with our solicitor; but if you cannot call right away and would like somebody to give you a call later on, please complete the call-back form below, indicating when would be to most convenient time to speak with us. We look forward to hearing from you.