Accident at school injury compensation of €55,000 has been awarded to a young girl whose finger was caught in a school door and, as a result, she will no longer be able to grow her nail long.
Legal representatives for the the nine-year-old girl, Fiona Crawford, advised Letterkenny Circuit Civil Court that the girl caught her finger in the door when she was using it when it closed back on her finger. She was brought to Letterkenny University Hospital and then to Galway. In Galway she had a surgical procedure which was conducted by surgeon Michael O’Sullivan.
Ms Crawford told Judge John Aylmer that, as a direct result of the school door injury, the child was very susceptible to the cold weather and would was extremely self conscious about anyone coming into contact with the injured finger as it caused a great deal of pain if they did. After being lost in the accident the girl was told that and it cannot be replaced.
The presiding Judge was told by Ms Crawford told that the young girl was in severe pain following the accident and could no longer permit her nails grow long due to the injury. She also has a visible scar on the top of her finger and her handwriting had also been impacted by the injuries she sustained in the accident.
The girl was initially offered school injury compensation of €35,000 in the aftermath of the primary school accident that happened in April 2017. Ms Crawford said this first offer of €35,000 was much too low when the full extent of the injuries the life long effects that they will have were considered.
Judge Aylmer said that he agreed with this opinion and remarked that an improved primary school injury compensation offer should be made to the girl.
Both legal teams returned after some deliberation the Judge was told that a higher compensation settlement offer of €55,000 has been agreed between the parties. The Judge granted his approval for the improved offer.